Johan Deumens Gallery

Johan Deumens Gallery

Artists: Annesas Appel & Julie van der Vaart

Annesas Appel uses her computer to work on and visualize concepts taken from her immediate environment in a systematic fashion. For her work Metamorphosis Music Notation (2016) Appel chose the numbers 0 t/m 9, abstracts entities as a starting point. A wondrous colourful installation ensued in a series of adaptations: 10 collections of 10 perforated colour ribbons each (225 x 80 x 1200 cm). The ribbons and the transformations of colours that go with it can be played on a pling plong (a musical device). In May 2016 Annesas Appel was awarded the Prix de Print for this installation by American magazine Art in Print (Thomas Cvikota. Also see: Bradwolff Projects 2016).

Julie van der Vaart work Beyond Time (2017) is an attempt to translate her way of thinking about space-time in a series of photos. It’s inspired by the idea of imaginary time in which time is a non-linear entity. By experimenting in the dark room the bodies in the pictures seem to disappear from their surroundings or into the cosmos.